Mary Singleton-White
Project Co-ordinator and Marketing LeadMary supports Just Ideas’ research, evaluation and facilitation and leads on marketing and communications. Mary is co-ordinator for the Reading schools’ Model Climate Conference with InterClimate Network. Mary particularly enjoys the outreach work with local schools and has been inspired and humbled by their passion and energy and their commitment- to quote one of our Reading students -“to tackle the defining issue of our time”.
Recent other work includes supporting Patient and Public Voice (PPV) training for the NHS and Local Trust Mental Health Learning Cluster co-ordination for Big Local areas. Research and evaluation work undertaken includes conducting primary and desk research for projects.
Mary brings communications expertise (domestic and international) as well as experience of supporting community projects and working with the business, public and community sectors. Prior to joining Just Ideas, Mary worked in the IT industry and as a consultant for New York based NGO the Rainforest Alliance where her work included delivering the annual Follow the Frog campaign and working with businesses such as Unilever and Kraft to help establish the Rainforest Alliance certification in the UK. Locally, Mary works with a charity which supports parent of children with additional needs and has served as a town councillor.
At Just Ideas Mary values the opportunity to meet – and to work beside – people who are doing inspirational things for their communities.