You are invited to “Connecting, Learning and Growing together” – a free half day workshop by Just Ideas – on Monday 20th June 2022 from 9.30am to 12.30pm on Zoom.
What’s on offer
This online peer learning initiative is designed to support individuals like yourself to:
- share learning and build skills, networks and confidence
- access personal and professional development
- experience the creativity, energy and ideas that come from facilitated reflection and bouncing ideas around with a diverse group of peers
This is for you and your colleagues if you are …
- stepping into or changing jobs within the social justice sector
- working in a community-facing role within the public sector
- working creatively with communities for transformation.
Tap into the wisdom
We’re bringing together the wisdom and experience of people who have worked with communities and organisations in the sector in different capacities for many years with the curiosity, questions and ideas of those new to this world, providing mutual inspiration and support.
For more information and to register, please cut and paste the following registration link in to your browser –